The story begins...
Elwin Ransom, a professor of philology, is on a hiking trip in the English Midlands and is looking for somewhere to sleep. He comes across an old cottage and asks the woman who lives there if he could stay the night. She told him he could if he went and picked up her son. Ransom goes and picks up her son, and finds that her son was with an old schoolmate of his, Devine, whom he dislikes. Devine offers him a room, a meal, and a drink. Devine and his associate, Professor Weston, have different intentions. Weston is a scientist and has discovered a way to travel in space and the two men need another person to take with them on their journey. The two men drugged Ransom's drink and before he could escape he is hit on the head and loses consciousness. When Ransom awakes he finds himself on a ship traveling through space to the planet Malacandra. So far my book is very suspenseful. I can't wait to read on and find out what's going to happen next!
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